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What areas can dermal fillers treat?

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Where can dermal fillers be used?

Dermal fillers have a wide multitude of uses from the obvious to the not so obvious. If you have a patient that is interested in having dermal filler, we advise that you get them to attend an initial skin consultation with you before having the treatment. This will allow you to find out more about the patient’s medical history, and the look that they are hoping to achieve.

Naso-labial folds Commonly known as the smile or laughter lines, these are the two skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. If you are bothered by your nasolabial folds and wonder what to do to improve the area then filler is perfect to fill out these folds and partnered with cheek filler the face will appear much younger looking.

Mouth corners

Sometimes the corners of your mouth can droop leaving you looking unhappy. Dermal filler can be placed below the corners of the mouth with a small amount directly into the corners of the lips.

Marionette lines Marionette lines run between the corners of the lips down towards the chin and jaw giving a puppet-like effect. As we age, our facial bones become smaller resulting in lines like these appearing. Dermal filler is great for filling in these lines making them less prominent.


As you age you lose an amount of subcutaneous fat which can result in a loss of volume and elasticity to the face. This, in turn, highlights hollow cheekbones, and the presence of excess skin resulting in sunken cheeks. This can cause someone to appear gaunt and tired-looking. Dermal fillers can be injected into this area to plump out the face with natural volume and a gentle lift. This is an advanced technique and is offered by Charlotte.

Lips & vermillion border

A celebrity favourite and probably the most well-known use of filler. The lips can be injected with dermal filler either in the body of the lip to boost fullness or the border of the lips to increase definition. This treatment is ideal for correcting thin lips but can also help solve problems with a downward smile and the need to lengthen the mouth.

Chin augmentation

A perfect alternative to a surgical chin implant is a non-surgical chin augmentation which is achieved with dermal fillers. Fillers will help define your jawline and although only a temporary solution it is a great way to see what can be achieved surgically if you are unsure.

Smoker’s lines

These are the vertical lines above the lip that appear when you pout. They are mostly caused by regular lip movements but are also called smokers lines because regular smoking means pressing their lips together.  If your lines are deep enough then they can be drastically reduced with a small amount of injectable filler to achieve a smoother appearance.

If you would like to find out more about these treatments then you can call the team on 077504695372 or email

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